Re: Sendmail 8.6.9

Perry E. Metzger (
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 08:23:16 -0500

Tom Fitzgerald says:
> > There are massive holes in IDA that are fixed by 8.6.9; anyone telling
> > you the reverse is tugging very hard on your lower appendages.
> Could you be a little more specific - particularly concerning 5.67b+IDA1.5?
> There were definitely security bugs in 5.65c+IDA1.4.4.1, that were fixed
> with some emergency patches that were later merged in with 5.67, but I
> haven't heard of anything more recent.
> At the very least, are these problems that can be fixed by using smrsh?

I believe all the known external holes are fixed with smrsh; I am
unsure as to whether that IDA still suffers from the debug option
bug. In any case, I'd say that claims to the effect that 8.6.9 has
known holes that IDA does not have are spurious. I didn't really
intend to trash IDA per se or anything.
